Sunday, October 18, 2009

Congress about to stoke the next bubble?

After reading this article in the NY Times authored by San Jose State professor Randall Stross I could not help but to be reminded of the silly policies the Federal Government adopted in an attempt to help low income families purchase homes (See: Community Reinvestment Act, Federal Housing Authority, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, George Bush, etc...).

Don't get me wrong...I am all about helping people educate themselves but some of the numbers being thrown out in this article are absurd: $350 billion to guarantee 100 MBPS for each citizen in the United States? Last time I checked internet access was not so expensive as to prevent even low income people from purchasing it. In fact, Comcast is offering a promotion deal for $20 a month for 6 months right now. Also...why on earth does every citizen in the US need that much speed? I consider myself a pretty advanced user and I have about 10 MBPS; this has never been too slow.

We do not need yet another ridiculous policy of social engineering that some bonehead congress person can pad their resume with. If they really want to help people, the Federal Government could lower our taxes or just give us the cash they want to spend on this project and as a rational investor/consumer I will spend the money how I see fit. Another great idea would be not to spend money we do not have. This is not the USSR and I am tired of the central planning our democratically elected politicians feel is the best way to get things done.

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